Featured Product

    Moody's Analytics Risk Perspectives

    A magazine for global risk practitioners exploring industry or regulatory topics, presenting a wide range of views, best practices, techniques, and approaches with one larger goal in mind – to deliver essential insight to the global financial markets. Risk practitioners can then turn that insight into action to make smarter, risk-aware decisions that impact both their day-to-day business planning and the strategic management of their firms.

    Moody's Analytics Risk Perspectives | The Convergence of Risk, Finance, and Accounting
    Volume 8

    The Convergence of Risk, Finance, and Accounting: CECL

    Examines the CECL impairment regulation and discusses challenges, best practices, and timelines for US firms faced with the task of becoming compliant.

    Moody's Analytics Risk Perspectives | The Convergence of Risk, Finance, and Accounting
    Volume 7

    The Convergence of Risk, Finance, and Accounting

    Analyzes IFRS 9, delves into its effects on future impairment calculations, and provides recommendations on how financial institutions can implement and leverage forward-looking credit loss models.

    Moody's Analytics Risk Perspectives | Risk Data Management
    Volume 6

    Risk Management: The Decade Ahead

    Details how global risk managers can comply with new regulations, better manage risk, and meet business and industry demands. 

    Moody's Analytics Risk Perspectives | Risk Data Management
    Volume 5

    Risk Data Management

    Details how global risk managers can comply with new regulations, better manage risk, and meet business and industry demands. 

    Moody's Analytics Risk Perspectives | Integrated Risk Management
    Volume 4

    Integrated Risk Management

    Details how global risk managers can comply with new regulations, better manage risk, and meet business and industry demands. 

    Moody's Analytics Risk Perspectives | Managing Insurance Risk | Global Edition
    Volume 3

    Managing Insurance Risk | Global Edition

    Addresses the challenges and opportunities in the global insurance sector, and how they impact the risk management practices of insurers.

    Moody's Analytics Risk Perspectives | Stress Testing | North American Edition
    Volume 2

    Stress Testing | North American Edition

    Explores how North American financial institutions can leverage stress testing regulations to add value to their business, for compliance and beyond.

    Moody's Analytics Risk Perspectives | Stress Testing | European Edition
    Volume 1

    Stress Testing | European Edition

    Focuses on stress testing in Europe – how banks can build an effective stress testing program, achieve critical business objectives, and ensure regulatory compliance.